domingo, octubre 31, 2004


(¡Y hasta en Inglés pa' que no digan! Con estos trabajos le quito la chamba hasta a José Guadalupe Posadas)

No podía dejar pasar estas épocas con una tradicional calavera literaria, en unión con el lenguaje global (¿el Esperanto? JUAJUAJUA ¡El Inglés!). Disfrútenla! (Se aceptan flames, críticas, sugerencias, mentadas... bueno... esas no)

Tavo was sitting at his COM
waiting for some fine porn,
when Death arrived by modem
to hit him as the Golem

His eyes set up on fire
as Death pressed his neck.
"You should not be Googling for that!",
said to the little perv.

"I'm very apologized for that fact",
Tavo didn't want to enter in a cuffin;
repented, he offered the white-boned lady a muffin
and CDs with new Windows Service Pack

But Death didn't hear any plea,
and cut his head with a MoBo,
then chopped his body with glee,
and put the pieces in boxes with "Windows" logo.

Now, the cemetary looks very different:
with Linux, Macs and PCs.
zOMG! Connected ghouls and devils with IPs!
'cos defunct Tavo retailed them until next year's Lent